Past Workshops

 “Self-Care in Paradise Event” Casa Paraiso

Orlando, FL

Nourish your mind, body and soul during this holistic self-care workshop. Group members had the opportunity to sample a variety of certified pure therapeutic essentials oils that help support overall health. We discussed how self-care is paramount to mental health and learned ways to integrate self-care practices into your daily routine. Group members were guided to participate in experiential exercises to help you reconnect you to your purpose. We end with a meditation guided by the vibrations Crystal Bowl sound healing to elevate frequencies in the body, clear blockages, and receive positive energy.

Self-Care and Empowerment Workshop Alper Jewish Community Center

Miami, FL

This workshop was part of an annual Yoga Retreat. The group engaged in discussion about the connection between thoughts, emotions and behavior as it relates to engaging in positive self-care. The group participated in a storytelling exercise as a way to draw strength from their experiences. The group members answered a series of self-care questions using the prompt: “How Do you Zen your Crazy?” and discussed how practicing yoga has had such a positive impact on their mental health.

Fitness Funday Fundraising Event Metropolitan International School of Miami | Miami, FL This was a fundraising event for the school’s physical education and wellness program. I organized a pop-up “Self-Care Station” where students had the opportunity to participate in a variety of arts and crafts activities aimed at promoting self-care. As a way to serve different learning styles, guided by prompts, students either had the opportunity to talk about their favorite self-care activity, draw it out, or act it out. The students also voted for their favorite self-care activity and signed a pledge to self-care.

Women’s Empowerment and Networking Event Coral Gables, FL This is NOT your average networking event. Rather, this is a reoccurring event where you connect with other women in the community who are working just as hard as you on building their businesses. With guided prompts to facilitate group discussions, you have the opportunity to exchange ideas on how to grow your business, how to successfully collaborate with others in your community, and learn strategies to help you work through obstacles and prevent burnout.